Saturday, March 5, 2011

Satire against the Catholic Church and RH bill defense which I like the most


Virgin Fathers or Dying Mothers: The Filipino Freethinkers Join Fellow RH Supporters in Silent Protest Against CBCP

Last Sunday, Feb. 27, 2011, the Filipino Freethinkers and fellow pro-Reproductive Health (RH) groups under the Reproductive Health Advocacy Network (RHAN) held the Memorial March for Mothers from Padre Burgos St. to the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) headquarters in Intramuros, Manila. The march and its succeeding mass action at the CBCP gates aimed to call the Catholic Church’s attention to the 11 Filipino women who die each day due to maternal complications. These complications could have been avoided with proper sex education and reproductive health services, but these rights continue to be suppressed thanks to the CBCP’s condemnation of the RH Bill and its efforts to delay the Bill’s passage.

MY COMMENT: I had been a staunch defender of the Reproductive Health bill at Free Carlos Celdran Facebook fan page for
CLICK HERE TO SEE IT since last year and these comments anti Catholic Church statements to express their opinions about the Philippine Catholic Church's too much interferance on politics on a mission to make it happen not to pass the bill into a law made me impress a lot


1) Has anyone noticed how there is an increase of films about exorcism since the present idiot Pope took over? I went to watch The Rite at the cinema in the Philippines last week - parents took their young children to watch it. When I asked why they took their children, some of which were no more than 3 years old, they said it was to teach them about the devil and how the Church is the only defense against evil. Astonishing. Truly astonishing. The Middle Ages are alive and kicking in the Philippines.

2) The bottom line being protected by the catholic church is the headcount of its members. More born, more infants baptized, more money into the coffers. More poor people? They don't care! The poor can still give... coins. Imagine about 80 million catholics this very moment. That's a lot of coins in week's harvest even with only 50% of its followers still practicing the faith.

3) The Catholic Church is like a juke box. It is coin operated. But, even it is only coins, when 80% of the Philippines are Catholic people, too much money for it every week. More than enough to make their bishops and cardinals live like kings and princes and send money to the pope in Rome too. Just imagine if only few baptized babies because of birth control.


Defense number One:

If the Catholic church were to take a more responsible attitude for the children who are born and can no longer be fed by their penniless parents, perhaps, the bishops would become more credible. Why, for instance can't the church use its tax-free collections to feed the hungry and care for unwanted children instead of building temples and air-conditioned residences for parish priests and bishops? It is my understanding that a percentage of the money is sent to the Vatican (a sovereign state).

If the church truly believes that all sexual acts should be "open to the transmission of life" (why does she insist on NFP, then?), results in procreation and no pregnancy should be unwanted, why not take the burden away from couples who do not want to bear more children that they cannot support? The church ought to take all these children into her bosom, feed, clothe and educate them. Then, maybe, we may actually have a more Christian society where the church is into caring for her faithful instead of aspiring to become the political primate that controls the State. I'll be happy to donate to such church-run charity.

On the issue of population management, economists have repeatedly stated that what is best for the country is a population growth moderated to a level that the country can grow economically, instead of being burdened by having too high a birth rate. Every year, close to 2 million babies are born in the country. In about 6 years, children born this year will enter kindergarten, and the cycle is repeated year after year. As it is, there are already shortages in the number of classrooms and textbook materials. I don't need to elaborate further, but I'm sure all of you understand what I'm trying to point out.

Those who advocate policies that produce a higher birth rate than is ideal for this country ought to put their money where their mouth is, support orphanages, invest in economic activities and other enterprises where people can find decent paying work. Sadly, most of these self-righteous people who label those who do not agree with them "abortionists", "evil" and what not, will not lift a finger when confronted with the results of their ruinous advocacy.

To promote what the church promotes without the sanctimonious bishops (and their "echo chambers") accepting responsibility for the resulting higher birth rates and unsustainable development is to be totally irresponsible.

Defense number 2:

A smaller population = lesser people to allocate resources to. I will repeat. even the whole Philippine budget will be allocated, It is not enough if the population continues to grow

You are making it show that it is easy to create jobs, books and classrooms like magic. You have 10 pieces of bread but you will feed 11 people. Is it enough? Sure, you buy 1 but Question: Do you have something to buy for it? This is too common scenario to poor families with around 13 members. You seem to rely more on the "pound of cure" rather than the "ounce of prevention" Most Filipinos do that, anyway, I will not be surprised.

Another thing: RH bill isn't just to prevent abortions. There is population control that the Philippines needed because we are overpopulated. If you think you can remove sex to all couples, you are dreaming. Sex is Physiologic need as Abraham Maslow said. But it does not mean that RH bill tolerates sexual promiscuity (Here for sure the conflict what the Church wants to say)

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